~ I'm Maple, I live in Brooklyn, I work in video, and this is a weekly deal where my friends and I suggest all kinds of things you should try. ~
This week, a list dedicated to craftsmanship.
1. Anything made by Michele Mirisola, aka Chell Fish. Her platters! <3
2. This surrealist shirt found on Everpress.
3. These 2D-lookin’ vases.
4. Italian specialties from Gustiamo. “THE place to buy the best Italian food, online.”
5. The affordable and uh, wide-ranging art styles featured for purchase on The Jasper Project’s Tiny Gallery. In their own words, “The Jasper Guild is a group of supporting artists and arts lovers who appreciate not only the vital Columbia, SC arts scene, but the magazine devoted to promoting it.” I went to college at USC (in Columbia) and this little hipster mag will always have a special place in my heart. I will not mince words, the art can be… really something. But we love it nonetheless!
Until next time, xo