~I'm Maple, I’m currently in Park Slope, Brooklyn 🫶 and this is a weekly deal where my friends and I suggest all kinds of things you should try~
Good morning! I spent this past weekend at an adult summer camp for animators and motion designers. We sang karaoke and played Bingo and hit oversized, colorful plastic balls around in a pool and laughed until everything hurt.
This week’s recs:
1. Who the hell are 2girls1bottl3? An article in The Face about yet another hyper-niche, mesmerizing TikTok account and the hyper-private young women behind it. I’m obsessed with reading about blips of culture like this, especially as a voyeur who really doesn’t participate in feeding the TikTok algorithm. It’s amazing what performance art can be now. Plus, I love the way Nicolaia writes about this.
2. SNAKE. The best furniture newsletter. “My interest is in highlighting the most affordable, exciting pieces of furniture available each week—of the thousands I come across as research for my sourcing and buying—and passing those onto readers.” I don’t know how he finds all this stuff.
3. Cyanotype. The original blueprinting. We did a Cyanotype workshop at camp and I loved it. Essentially, you douse a surface in a photosensitive solution, layer objects or images on top, expose it to UV light, and then develop it in another solution to turn the image blue. I think I found myself a new hobby…

4. Moda’s collection of trunkshows. Wallet beware.
And in the same post-NYFW vein —
5. Bottega Veneta’s sardines. If it’s nautical/ fish-related, lfg.

Until next time,
xo Mapes